Channel 786 | চ্যানেল ৭৮৬ | Community Bangla Newspaper

Pieces of Peace

Samira Tahsoon

প্রকাশিত: ০১:০৭, ২২ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২৪

Pieces of Peace

Peace is a fundamental aspect of life for many. Without peace life is a jigsaw puzzle of chaos and confusion, most of the world currently lacks this key part of life. Their lives are surrounded by war, conflict, genocide, hunger, and everything that is the antonym of peace.

Conflict rules most of our world, as of 2024, 32 countries are in war according to World Population Review. L Peace goes beyond contentedness and tranquility, it is being able to live your life without the worry of bombs dropping down on you and your whole life being uprooted by political conflict.

ACLED mentions the most pivotal of present conflicts in their website, “Palestine: An Uncertain Future for Gaza and the West Bank, Yemen and the Red Sea: Rising Tensions Threaten Peace Process and International Security, Sudan: Setting the Stage for a Long War, The Sahel: A Deadly New Era in the Decades-Long Conflict, Democratic Republic of Congo: Re-elected President, Tshisekedi Faces Regional Crisis in the East, Ukraine: A Deadly Stalemate with No End in Sight, Myanmar: Resistance to the Military Junta Gains Momentum, Haiti: Gangs and Vigilantes, Thrive Amid Political Deadlock, Mexico: Confronting Deadly Political and Criminal Power Struggles in an Election Year, United States: Intensifying Polarization and the Looming Presidential Election”.

When the world is in constant turmoil, we as global citizens, need to do our part. We need to care and advocate for those whose lives are spent surviving not living.

That is to ensure adults and children must play a part. If you are eligible, you should register and vote because you have the ability to make a change, if not you should advocate and educate others because we must acknowledge the problems in the world as a society to build peace; and if you are a child, you have your role to play too, start with yourself and those around you in your family and community, build peace with your friends and neighbors.

There are many organizations such as the Global Network of Religions for Children (GNRC) that educate and directly involve children in building peace with other children and people of different backgrounds and religions.

It is important for everyone to care, especially children because they are the future policy makers, peace makers and world changers. To do that we must all collectively come together to make peace with one another, the only solution to war is compromise and peace.

We should all value people’s dignity and their basic human rights, no matter their race, gender or ethnicity. As global citizens of this world, we need to upload our duties.

Everyone is a piece of a bigger picture that represents this Earth, together we can all come together and build a better world. Peace is never impossible, believing in it is the first step. 

Samira Tahsoon

Senior at TYWLS Queens, NY
Child Activist & Youth Community Organizer
Save the People USA
[email protected]

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