There are over a billion youth around the world, all who are a part of different cultures, religions and communities. They are tasked with multitudes of social, economic and environmental issues. The Global Network of Religions for Children (GNRC) is a prime example of an organization that is taking the lead globally through interfaith discussions and fostering understanding between different communities of youth.
Their collaboration of religious leaders, organizations, and governments with children and youth is part of educating and empowering youth people. Their specific focus of children and religion means allowing religion to be of means of creating a safer, and more secure and sustainable world.
GNRC’s local, national, regional and global projects are a pivotal part of protecting and uplifting children. GNRC focuses on ‘every child’s right to attain full physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, moral, and social development while seeking partnership with leaders, individuals and communities, international, national, and regional institutions, grassroots organizations, and people of goodwill everywhere.’
As mentioned on gnrc.net “The Global Network of Religions for Children (GNRC) was inaugurated in May 2000 by a group of 294 religious leaders and grassroots child-rights workers representing all of world’s major religious traditions and 33 different nations.
Deeply concerned over the suffering of the world’s children, they gathered in Tokyo to launch the GNRC at the invitation of the Arigatou Foundation (now Arigatou International), an international non-governmental organization which strives to bring people from all walks of life together to build a better world for children.
Arigatou International, an NGO in special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), continues to support the member-driven development of the GNRC.” To date 791,000 adults, religious leaders and children have been directly reached.
An example of their many projects is the Prevention of Violence against Children and Resilience Building (PREVENIR) provides spiritual guidance and psychological support to children and adolescents who are most vulnerable to targeting and recruitment by criminal gangs.
The importance of these organizations is at its height due to escalating and enduring issues around the world. GNRC is best explained by the late Rev. Takeyasu Miyamoto who said, “I would like to express once more, on behalf of the Global Network of Religions for Children, our most profound commitment — we shall devote ourselves to bringing about, through prayer and practice, this global, ‘silent spiritual revolution’ for the future of children.”
Currently, Dr. Mustafa Y. Ali is the Secretary-General for (GNRC), a position he has held from 2013 to date, supervising the work of the Network now present in 76 countries around the world.
It is essential to recognize and participate in projects and organizations such as GNRC so we can collectively improve the lives of the future generation through meaningful work.
Samira Tahsoon : NYC Youth Activists & Youth Community Organizer of Save The People USA, Member GNRC USA